Saturday, September 8, 2007

Walking In Times Square #1

While doing a job for Mercedes in Vermont, I thought I would venture over and see what kind of shots I could get with the DistaCam in New York City. I went down to one of the busiest sections in Times Square, set up at a busy intersection and waited for the light to turn green...
I love to see the faces as people look right at the camera. I especially like the compression of the taxis in this shot and the way this camera renders the motion of the feet on the people as they walk across the street--the "paw" like feet on some and the "snowboard" looking feet on others! The distortions are so entertaining...this is one image where you can really see the "fun house mirror" effect of the camera.
I had one of my assistants walk back and forth across the intersection throughout the shoot. You can see him, in the brown shorts, showing up several times in the image.

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